Business Planning (Tactics)
A strategic plan gives you an overview of things you can do over three to five years to make your goals and objectives a reality. It also provides you with a framework for decision-making.
Business planning, on the other hand, is more short-term in focus - it covers the next year, identifies tactics that will move your business, and really gets into the details of what you need to do:
- Identify and develop specific marketing initiatives to bring you business
- Prepare a set of financial projections (profit and loss and monthly cash flows) so you have a score card to measure your progress
- Create a human resources plan so you know what you really need your staff (and yourself!) to do, when you might need to hire someone, and exactly what skillset new hires will need
- Review your operations so you can tweak your processes to be more efficient and effective
- Set specific objectives so you know what you're aiming for and how to get there.
We work closely with you to develop your operational plan. This is more efficient, because it combines our knowledge of what can work with your expertise in your business and industry. In this collaborative process, we develop an operational business plan, including measurable objectives, to allow you to be more in control of your company.
Interested in finding out how we can help you drive your business to increased success? Contact us today for an initial (free) consultation.